Bestseller Lists - The Missing Clue - June 2019

Want to know what other Whodunit customers are enjoying? Here are our bestselling titles for April and May 2019.

Mass Market

1.       Julia Buckley, Death Waits in the Dark   

2.       Laird Barron, Blood Standard             

3.       Victoria Thompson, Murder on Union Square    

4.       Lee Child, Past Tense                

5.       Bree Baker, No Good Tea Goes Unpunished

6.       Lauren Elliott, Prologue to Murder      

7.       Rita Mae Brown, Probable Claws          

8.       Bree Baker, Live and Let Chai

9.       Ellery Adams, Murder in the Reading Room

10.   Jenn McKinlay, Dying for Devil’s Food

Trade Paper

1.       Anne Perry, Twenty-One Days          

2.       James Runcie, The Road to Grantchester

3.       Peter May, The Runner

4.       Jacqueline Winspear, The American Agent

5.       Donna Leon, The Temptation of Forgiveness

6.       Anna Lee Huber, An Artless Demise

7.       Ngaio Marsh, Money in the Morgue       

8.       Martha Grimes, The Knowledge

9.       Karen Bate, Ice

10.   Peter Tremayne, Bloodmoon


1.       Phillip Kerr, Metropolis                 

2.       Donna Leon, Unto Us a Son is Given      

3.       Thomas Perry, The Burglar

4.       John Sandford, Neon Prey

5.       Anne Perry, Triple Jeopardy