Finally! We Moved! The Missing Clue - August 2018

Where did August go? Certainly as far as the newsletter is concerned it just disappeared, and our August issue seems to be verging on being called the September issue. Anyway, this last weekend we started our move from 165 Lilac Street to 163 Lilac Street. The move was maybe not quite as seamless as we had hoped, there are many piles of books on the floor despite the best efforts of all of us including former owner Gaylene Chesnut who has been working diligently on shelving. Anyway, the move is complete, the counter is in place, all the books have been moved, and the book shelves from 165 Lilac have gone to new homes thanks to Habitat for Humanity’s Restore Store

One of the advantages of our move to 163 Lilac Street will be that we will have the space to have all our used books on the main floor, where customers will actually be able to see them. In preparation for this all the books were brought up from the basement of 165, dusted, checked over and assigned thirteen digit numbers, if they did not already have them. It was an interesting task, authors I had never heard, authors I had forgotten I liked. We hope that you will find some long lost favourites and some new to you authors in the collection. As the majority of our books are now accessible in our inventory, you can check out our holdings by going to the online bookstore. If there is anything you like, you can order it and it will be waiting at the store the next time you come in.